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5 E-Commerce Copywriting Tips

When was the last time you thought about the language that you have been using over platforms? The power of words really is a great thing, and especially when it comes to e-commerce. The persuasion and engagement of your target audience can come predominantly from words if you have the right technique. That’s why we thought it would be useful to put together a guide to help you with e-commerce copywriting, and it’s all in five easy steps. Let’s have a look at how you can have the best e-commerce copywriting to get more sales.

Know your target audience and keep them in mind 

First of all, know who you’re speaking to. What kind of audience do you have; what is their age, location, interests? Then think about how the words can reflect this. With e-commerce copywriting, you want to make it personable and direct. So, you need to know exactly who it is that you’re going to be speaking to. Make a plan around the language and structure you’re going to use so that you can be consistent and persuasive with your writing. 

Use structured storytelling in e-commerce copywriting

Structured storytelling is always the best way to develop persuasive and personable writing. People are generally interested in hearing stories and anecdotes, so it’s the best way to entice readers in. With structured storytelling, you need to think about the best angle that will be the most interesting. People are generally interested in people, so for ecommerce copywriting, focus on the people in your organisation that can bring the story to life. Is that an employee or a customer, or will it be a success story from one of your products or services? Whatever the story angle, you will be guaranteed more audience engagement from a structured storytelling angle with your copywriting. 

You need a catchy & compelling headline

This is the thing that will catch the reader’s attention. Make sure that you have thought about the headline to use and ensure that it is relevant but also compels the reader to click through. What angle do you want to come from? Is there an offer that you can lead with? Do you have an exciting new product? Find the most exciting and interesting aspect of your point and then use that to create a headline that will entice the reader in. 

Focus on the type of vocabulary you use 

Imperatives and power words can lead the way for persuasive writing. Think about the language that you use throughout your copywriting and the way that you can persuade your audience to make an action. Command the attention of your audience and lead with direct language. That might be using ‘you’, ‘now’, ‘offer’ as examples,  to appeal most to your target audience. Words like these are ones that will make the reader feel excited about what you have to say and make them feel a sense of urgency. 

Sell, sell, sell…

This might speak for itself, but you want to sell your products or services. So, with that in mind, really think about the kind of message you’re putting across in your copywriting. Create urgency by making the customer want to buy right now. Command their attention and then they will take action straight away, meaning they’re more likely to make a purchase. 

E-Commerce copywriting tips for YOUR success 

With ecommerce copywriting, the main objective is to target your audience through direct and persuasive language. You want to catch their attention, and make them feel compelled to take action and make a purchase or show interest. That being said, you need to ensure that you make your copywriting interesting by being personable and targeting the right people. So, with ecommerce copywriting, know your audience, use structured storytelling and persuasive language, ensure you have a catchy headline and make sure that you are writing to sell. It’s the perfect recipe for the best ecommerce copywriting!

Here at Alcimi, we offer ecommerce copywriting for brands to generate leads from their target audience. Say hi and contact us today to find out how your business can grow through e-commerce copywriting!

5 E-Commerce Copywriting Tips
Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire