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Alcimi’s Organisation Hacks for you: Tips & Advice

We’ve already written blogs on productivity and creative block, and we truly believe that they are interlinked with organisation. For us, being organised means having things in place so that we can be the most effective and make the most of our time. Having the right tools, the right plans and the right level of communication is imperative to a successful working day. How do we stay organised? What do we keep in mind for ultimate organisation? Let’s have a look at some organisation hacks which will definitely be a game changer at work…

The first organisation hack: Communication

Communication really is key. Especially when it comes to organisation and team work. When are your colleagues free? What time are there meetings scheduled? Is your teammate doing their tasks when you think they are? There are so many questions that you can ask the people you work with so that you know their schedule and therefore can work effectively with them. That way, you’re not wasting time trying to find them to ask them things. Collaborative working is a great way to work, but it does mean that you need to have good organisation to be effective. So, make a note of your team’s priority, free time and tasks they can complete. That will help to be organised and therefore more efficient. 

Use the right tools 

Being a digital transformation agency, we have the best digital partners such as Monday and Sprout Social. But, they’re key to our efficient organisation. We  use project management tools and scheduling tools to make sure that our content is timely and that we know what tasks need to be done in what priority. Having the right tools in place means that you can organise your workflow in a way that makes everyone aware of where you are up to with tasks. They allow peak organisation and maximum productivity. Remember: organisation and productivity go hand in hand. 

Schedule your day 

Make the most of every minute. Schedule your work but also schedule in your breaks. That way, you’ll get more out of your working day because you’ll know exactly when you need to take a break and exactly when you’ll finish a task to be able to complete clear goals. For example, working though your lunch means that a few hours on, you’re going to crash and then not be productive. By being organised and scheduling your breaks, your tasks, meetings and conversations, then you know exactly where you need to be and avoid any delays. Organising your day equals good organisation which then results in more goals being completed.

Plan your month 

Okay, so now you’ve scheduled your day, think about your month of priorities. What deadlines do you have for the next few weeks, and what priorities do you have? By thinking about what should come first, can help you decide what your weekly, monthly and future daily schedules will look like. From there, it’s easier to imagine when you can do each task and you can think about what you need from other members of the team. If you all share your schedules, you can create necessary targets effectively. Planning ahead is one of the biggest factors in being organised.

Organisation hacks that suit you 

At the end of the day, no matter how many organisational methods you try, everybody is different. If you try to be organised and fail, it still might not be the most effective, so it is all down to trial and error. That’s why it’s important to be open to different processes and alternative methods to keeping organised. By testing out different ways of working and new organisation hacks, you might find the perfect process for you. Being organised gives you a bigger chance of success, and we believe in you. 

We use digital transformation to leverage key organisation processes. Contact us today to see how we can help you.

Organisation Hacks
Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire