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Small Businesses NEED to Know why Community Management is THIS important…

Do you know what community management is? If you don’t, you need to, because it’s VERY important in your social media strategy. Everyone knows that, as a small business, customer service is one of the most important things for business growth. And, it doesn’t just stop at face to face service; it follows through the digital doors of your company and onto your social media platforms. Remember that social media is used 24/7, and it can be used anywhere in the world, so your interaction with your audience online is extremely important. 

Community management is basically your engagement and interaction with your audience and potential customers online. So, if anyone online is needing assistance or is wanting to know some information regarding your small business, by using community management you would be able to give them answers efficiently. But, what other reasons are there why you should use community management? Let’s take a look…

Humanize your brand

Sometimes, being on the internet and looking through a screen can take away the human aspect from your brand. That’s why it’s important to break the fourth wall and be personable to your audience; one way to do this is community management. If you have a clear tone of voice, are friendly and approachable, then your audience will see your personality a lot more. Cultivate your brand personality and show off what you’re about by responding to messages both publicly and in DMs, as well as writing updates that involve your audience. These are ways to humanize your brand by effective community management. Give it a go to see your small business grow!

Integrity and trust

If you think about it, when you’re being efficient with responses, you’re showing how reliable you are. That automatically builds trust and integrity for your brand. If you take a genuine interest in your audience’s interests and concerns, then that will pay off in the long term because you’re presenting your business as one that cares about their customers. You can be authentic by showing your tone of voice, your personality and company values over interaction on social media. Immediately, you’re showing your audience the importance of communication and response, so you can connect with your network and demonstrate good customer service.

Interaction means audience growth 

Think about how reliable that you look online if you’re posting regularly and being interactive. You can build genuine relationships between your brand and your audience through interacting, meaning that you’re more likely to get audience growth. And, if you’re more active on social media, then you’re bound to get a bigger total reach than if you didn’t. By using community management within your small business, you will see growth from being consistent, present, and projecting excellent customer service. 

Why community management is this important

Community management is a way that you can actively show your audience and potential customers that you are the kind of business that they want to approach. If you use community management and present yourself as helpful, efficient and reliable, then you’re more likely to grow your small business. Having community management within your social media strategy is a way of growing and connecting your audience, whilst establishing a network. When was the last time that you checked in with your audience?

Don’t have time to do community management yourself or need some advice? We offer community management here at Alcimi, or can advise on your social media strategy. Say hi and chat to us today to see how we can help you!

Small Businesses Need to Know Why Community Management is THIS important…
Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire