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Charities NEED to identify these cyber crime types

As a digital transformation agency that specialises in cyber security, we want to help you distinguish between cyber crime types. Charities can often be the target for any cybercrime or cyber fraud, and therefore the more knowledge that you have, the more you can be protected against anything that comes your way as a threat. We always talk about the  importance of cyber security, but that’s because of the cyber crime types that are a threat to many organisations. We know, when you’re within the charity sector, there is so much to think about. Sometimes, cyber security might be the last thing on your mind. However, it is one thing that you need to make sure that you have in place to prevent catastrophic outcomes. So, let’s jump right in and define the two main cyber crime types… 

Cyber crime types 

Okay so, the two main cyber crime types are cyber dependent and cyber enabled. There are different ways that you can protect yourself from both of these cyber crime types to ensure that you are not at risk. Now let’s have a look in further detail…

Cyber Dependent 

Cyber dependent means that it’s an offence that can be made only by a computer, networks, or other forms of ICT. It includes viruses, malware and hacking, which you can protect against with things like strong passwords and multi-factor authentication. If a device is connected to the internet, then you could be vulnerable to a cyber-dependent crime, because that means that your data is not completely secured. To protect yourself and your charity, make sure that you have a strong password that will be hard to crack. You should also make sure that you set up multi-factor authentication for more steps in cyber security.

Cyber Enabled

Cyber enabled means traditional crimes, such as fraud, through computers or ICT devices like mobile phones. And, actually, according to Action Fraud, 84% of fraud reported is cyber enabled, so that’s even more reason to pay attention to cyber security. Unlike cyber-dependent crimes, they can be committed without the use of IT. Phishing and financial frauds are the main types, which both involve the theft of personal data. So, in this case, you need to be extra cyber secure when it comes down to the protection of your data online. Be vigilant and make sure that you use secure servers to have protection against this cyber crime type. 

Cyber crime types that the charity sector NEED to know 

Remember: knowledge is power, and that definitely applies when you think about cyber security! If you take the time to learn about different cyber crime types, then you will be able to assess your cyber security strategy more effectively. Ask yourself questions to ensure that you have the right amount of cyber security in place. Is your team educated on the subject? Do you have at least a two-factor authentication? Is everyone in the charity using secure passwords? 

If the answer is no, then you need to begin looking more closely at your cyber security strategy. Do you know the types of cyber crime now? 

We specialise in cyber security here at Alcimi, and we can offer cyber security consultancy for your charity or business. Get in touch and say hello today to see how we can help you!

cyber crime types
Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire