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Alcimi’s Jargon Busters: Digital Marketing

We have some digital marketing jargon busters for if you need some help in understanding different digital terms. If you’ve read our blogs before or even read up on digital marketing, there might have been a few terms that didn’t make sense to you. Digital marketing has a lot of acronyms and shortened words that may be hard to grasp if you’re new to the terms of phrases and words. Here is where our digital marketing jargon busters come in, to simplify any of the words or terms that you might be unsure about. 

Our first digital marketing jargon buster: SEO

Let’s start off with a term that is particularly prevalent at the moment. SEO stands for search engine optimization. But, what does it actually mean? SEO is optimising your website with keywords so that it ranks higher on the SERP. You should look into SEO for your website and your social posts so that you can gain a bigger reach. So, what is the SERP?


Following on from search engine optimisation, you might have seen SERP in the same sentence. That stands for search engine results page where you will see pages listed after searching a query. It’s quite a simple term; it is the pages that come after you search for a keyword on a search engine platform. 


This one follows on nicely from the SERP, because they are used in the same topics quite a lot. CTR means click-through-rate and basically evaluates the clicks on your website that have come from links or CTAs. Elaborating on that, the CTR is analysing your success of a certain campaign or strategy, so it is worth measuring to see if you have a good CTR so that you can analyse future strategies. If the CTR measures clicks from a CTA, what actually is a CTA? 


The classic call to action: an instruction to provoke an immediate response from the customer. A call to action should do exactly what it says, and work to make the reader want to take action and contact your business. It should be a command like ‘contact us’ or ‘sign up’, which is interactive with an easy instruction. It’s really important to have an effective CTA because it interacts with the audience and leads to them getting involved with your business, so it’s worthwhile investing some time into what will be the most powerful. 


Bounce rate. Probably the least self-explanatory. The bounce rate of your website is all about how long the user stays on your website. You want the user to stay on your website and look at all of the contents, and if they do that, then it would be a good bounce rate. Think about the pages on your website, how long would it take for users to get the information they want? If they click onto your website and then leave straight away, this will cause a bad bounce rate. By monitoring BR, it will then allow you to assess what changes you can put in place to entice the user to stay looking on your website. 


This one means customer relationship management, and most businesses would have a system for this. An example would be Pipedrive, and it’s used to enhance customer relationships and improve business strategies. A CRM helps a business to stay connected with its audience. 

H1/H2 Tag

These are short for the ‘header tag’. Header 1 and header 2 are there to separate copy and are very important for SEO. In particular, H1 is the title and should include the keyword; it should sum up what the page is about. H2 is a subheading and is used to break up the text for good readability. Use both H1 and H2 in your text to influence SEO and readability. You can also use H3 and H4 for extra subheadings. 


Return of investment is a more technical term. It’s used to evaluate the efficiency of investment. It comes up as a percentage so that you can use it to evaluate how much profit you have made, which you can therefore use as a comparison for when you are reviewing your business strategy. 

The final digital marketing jargon buster: UX 

We have a blog on UX and UI design which would be helpful to look at if you think that this is something that you want to read more into. But, in short, UX is user experience. That refers to the visual aspect of your website and both the efficiency and enjoyment that it creates for the site visitor. This one is very important when thinking about designing your website and the usability aspect of it. 

Digital marketing jargon busters to help you

Now we’ve gone over these terms, will you be using these in your digital marketing strategy? Has this helped you to understand what they are and how they are used? The different jargon that you see online is worth making a note of so that you can evaluate how you can use it in your business strategy. Digital marketing has no end and is constantly changing, but hopefully, we’ve made it easier for you to identify the main terms to help you. 

Did you know that our ‘Alcimi Jargon Busters’ are a mini-series? Have a look at the others that we’ve published, to help you understand jargon in the digital world:

Click here for our social media jargon busters.

Click here for our cyber security jargon busters. 

Are there any more terms that you’re unsure about? Get in contact today and we can help you in your digital marketing strategy.

Digital marketing jargon busters
Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire