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FREE Digital Resources for the Charity Sector: Software

There are a lot of different ways that you can simplify processes in the digital world with no cost. We’re talking images, infographics, links, converters, surveys, and a lot more that you might need and not know where to find them. It can be a minefield when you don’t know what direction to turn, but don’t worry, we can guide you in the right direction for your ease.         


Having images online for your brand helps in a lot of different ways; SEO, interaction, engagement, and even more. You want to make sure that you have a good design plan with a lot of different varieties. So, where do you begin? We’ve made a list of free resources below to set you up with the places online that you can find imagery. 

Gimp is some free software that you can use for an open-source image editor. If you need some tools for graphic design elements, then this one’s for you. It also allows you to manipulate high-quality images, and do artwork creations. 

Photos and videos are a great way to keep your digital platform engaging and interactive. The good news is that you can get free stock photos and videos by shared creators online. Check out Pexels to find some visual content for your online platforms. 

Have you ever thought about designing documents how you want them, fitting in with your brand and your style? There’s software called Canva which is a design tool just for that. You can use it for your benefit to create professional documents, all for free. 

There’s another software piece that is free for non-profit organisations: Crello, a pro design tool. Have a look at this if you need to do anything creative with pictures. You can resize, use filters, and use a lot more features too. If this sounds like something that is beneficial for you, you will need to apply – further details on the website. 

If you need to create text over photos, you can visit Wordswag where you can create images with different wording. It’s great if you need anything for socials or a website, so something useful to have as a free resource if you need it. 


Being a charity, there’s a lot of monetary figures, data and numbers to be pulled, analysed and presented. If you have some stats to present, or if you’re creating a presentation, then infographics can be of use to you. We thought that infographics would be something fundamental for you in the digital world, so we have found some different sites that you can use for ease, free of cost. See below for the free online software resources that could help… 

First of all, you can try piktochart to create infographics to easily create visual content or to customise your brand. You can do it in any format and they offer templates to make it easy for you to convert to an infographic. 

You could also use Easel to create infographics, with the potential of increasing your engagement and getting more shares on social platforms. 

Another one available for you is Venngage, where you can use three easy steps to create infographics: choose a template, use the editor to change to your liking, and share it online. It’s easy, and it’s free, so I’d say it’s well worth having a go.  

Other free software resources

We’ve gathered some other software resources that we thought might be of use to you. The list is endless when it comes to the digital world, but we’ve used our knowledge in digital transformation to consider what will be worthwhile for your online platform. 

Have you got annoyed when your tweet won’t quite fit in the character count? Or when your new piece of content has a huge URL for sharing? Haven’t we all. The good thing is that there’s some software that shortens links so that you don’t have to. Try the URL shortener, it really is a lifesaver:

Sometimes we get writer’s block, or just make human mistakes when we’re producing something to be published. There’s a free content analysis tool online that can assist you with your writing to rate the readability. Take a look; head over to the Hemingway site. 

As a charity, surveys are something that is beneficial. There’s an easy and free way to create your own survey that you can then share online and capture the detail. Visit Survey Monkey to have a look at constructing your own survey and gathering your results with ease. 

There’s no denying that work within the charity sector is fast-paced, so anything that saves time is a great resource. We’ve found a place that can convert your documents so that it’s efficient, time-saving, and simple for you. Try Freepdfconvert if you need to convert any PDFs to Excel documents. 

So there you have it; our first blog on free resources, all about software that is available for you. We have a lot more coming in our next blogs of the series, so make sure that you keep a lookout for the other free resources that are beneficial for charities. 

Here at Alcimi, we offer services to charities and advice on your digital transformation. Get in contact today to see how we can help you. 


Free software resources.
Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire