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How to Know and Grow Your Online Audience

Knowing your audience is fundamental to being able to grow your audience. If you have no clear target audience, and you don’t know who is engaging with your business, then you won’t be able to expand. That’s why knowing and acknowledging your audience is so important, and it can help in assisting your brand growth. Once you’ve identified your audience, then you can tailor your content to them which will mean that you will get more engagement. Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, we have a lot of advice that will help you to firstly establish your audience and generate audience growth.

Make sure that you measure your analytics

First of all, find out who your audience is through measuring your analytics. Where does your audience come from? What have they visited on the website? What content do they like the most? Is it video or static images? Does the age of your audience resonate with your tone of voice for your brand? These are all questions that you need to ask yourself so that you know what content to put out, who to tailor it to, and what strategy to put in place. Knowing your existing audience will help you to begin growing it. 

Know your niche

After you’ve established who your target audience is, then you can work on growing your audience over social platforms. Build an audience on social media through being specific when creating content. What is your niche? What would your audience specifically want to see? Make sure that you build a strategy that is specific and interesting to your target audience so that you can grow your online audience. 

You need an omnichannel marketing strategy

Think about what channels you’re using online. Are you targeting all of the ones that your target audience will be, too? By having an omni channel marketing strategy, you’ll be able to target all your audience across all channels, and consequently get further engagement. Really think about the channels which are the most effective. Whether that means setting up a YouTube channel, Facebook page, TikTok or anything else, you need to do your research. And, make sure that it’s high quality so that you catch the audience’s attention. 

Encourage user generated content 

On your posts, why don’t you use creative call to actions to get your audience involved and then encourage user generated content? This will lead to your audience spreading the word so that your audience will grow as a result. Think about getting your audience to tag their friends, or use industry specific topics that will get your specific audience talking. 

Consistency is always key 

This one speaks for itself. But, over online platforms, if you’re consistent then you will be able to grow your audience more easily. Whether that’s blog posts, social media posts, or website updates, share your content with consistency, and track what time gets the most traction. If you spot a certain topic that is doing well and has good engagement, then you can try to drive with this. This is what will then appeal more to your audience and target the right one. 

Look at competitors 

The way you’ll be able to continue to grow your audience is through knowing what your competitors are up to. You can do that through a digital audit so that you know exactly how well they are doing and what their audience growth is in comparison. What works for them might not work for you, but it’s important to have a good wealth of knowledge when it comes to your specific sector and what your competitors are doing. 

Know and grow your online audience 

You will reach immense audience growth if you make sure that you are always keeping a clear strategy in place. If you’re a small business and you share content consistently and targeted at your audience, then you will reach a larger number of people. If you need a hand with specific audience identification, adoption and advocacy, then you can look at a marketing agency that can focus solely on this. And, we can help! Growing your audience is key to success, so are you ready to know and grow your online audience?

Here at Alcimi, we specialise in digital transformation and we can provide analytical and strategic marketing. Say hello and contact us today to find out how we can help you!

grow your online audience
Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire