The mind is a wonderful thing, but have you ever found it frustrating when you get a mental block? I’m sure that everyone has experienced it at some point in their lives, and it does happen more often for creatives. Creative block is a burden, something we can’t necessarily control, but it is definitely something we can work to eradicate by coping methods. Understanding what creative block is, how to avoid it, and how to overcome creative black it makes our lives so much easier. That’s why we’re here today, helping you out by explaining exactly that.
What is a creative block?
Think about Monday mornings; it’s the first day after the weekend, you’re trying to get back into the swing of things. It might take a bit longer than usual, and your mind might be working a little slower than it usually would. Now think about brain fog. Have you ever finished a day’s work and not been as productive as you’d want to? There are so many different types of things that can be a symptom of creative block, and it’s important to recognise them so that you can find the best remedy that works for you. And, once you know what helps you, you’re invincible.
Overcome creative block: how can it be avoided?
I know we’re all guilty of it, but getting enough sleep is something that can affect creative block. If you’re not well rested, you’re not going to have a clear mind with creative ideas flowing. And, sometimes even coffee can’t solve it! So, if you feel like you might be affected by a creative block and you’re feeling tired, try to catch up on some sleep and see how you feel in the morning. Making sure that you’re not running on exhaustion can avoid you getting to the stage of a creative block. If you wake up feeling fresh, you’ll have a fresh mind for fresh creative ideas.
If you’re feeling like you’re getting a creative block, then ALWAYS take a break to stop it from developing. Staring at a wall or staring at your computer screen will not spark any inspiration for creative ideas. Do something mindless; go on a walk for some fresh air, do some cooking, do some cleaning, or whatever you feel like – they’re all things that will help you come back to it with a fresh mind.
To avoid getting a creative block, go out and change your environment. Whether that’s just to the kitchen, outside for a walk or going to a coffee shop, moving your body is so important to keep the mind happy. So, plan your day around when you’re going to fit in movement, because it might just avoid a creative block that was around the corner. Who knows, you might even get inspired with your best idea whilst having a trip to the coffee shop.
Knowing your limits
This is a big one: stress. If you’re stressed at work, then you’re probably going to get whacked with a massive creative block. If you take too much on, or get too stressed, then it’s possible you could reach burnout, and that’s never good for the mind. Try to be self-aware and know when you’re taking too much on, and then it will save you time in the long run by avoiding the creative block.
How do I overcome creative block?
I like to think that music solves a lot of things, but I do believe that it can help you to be creative. Listening to something creative might spark some creative ideas. Give it a try if you are stuck with a creative block and are waiting to stimulate concentration for creativity.
Try some meditation, and if it’s not your thing, then just try to do something mindless so that it takes your mind off of it for a bit. That way, you can come back to it with a clear mind to come up with better ideas. Sometimes you might just need a break from thinking about a subject to initiate creativity.
Get away from the desk
As I said before: you won’t get any good ideas by staring at a blank wall or computer screen. So, if you’re feeling a creative block, then go on a break and try to get into a new environment so that you can go back to your work ready to start again with your work.
Don’t put pressure on yourself
The biggest one: be easy on yourself. Despite the tips above, you actually can’t do anything about it, and there’s no ‘on’ or ‘off’ switch. So, acknowledge it, accept it, and try some of the tips above to overcome it. I’m sure your best idea, and best creative piece of work is coming for you soon!
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