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Digital Marketing

THIS is why small businesses should pay attention to analytics

Pay attention to analytics! We don’t mean to shout, but in this case, it really is something to shout about…

There is so much on offer to small businesses in the digital world, and that’s why taking advantage of it is so key to business growth. Think about social media; you have an instant free marketing tool. But, what matters is what you do with it. By paying attention to your social media metrics and also your website analytics, you are able to see exactly what works for your business. 

Identify your business’s strengths and weaknesses

Through analytics and looking ‘behind the scenes’, you can find out a lot of important data which helps you to see exactly what you’re good at and what you should improve on. By evaluating your strengths and weaknesses, you can then have a better chance of getting ahead of your competitors in the industry and becoming the best in your sector.

You can get to know your audience and their demographic 

Through looking at your analytics, you can find out what your audience likes and what they’re engaging more with. Find out exactly what they want to see more of and what they’re benefiting from, so that you can be more efficient with your content strategy and your marketing goals. You can also find out when is best to post as well, because you can see what time your posts get the most engagement. 

You can find out what topics are popular 

By monitoring your analytics, you can see what is popular and you can keep up with trends. You can find out exactly why your audience left your site and page they spent more time on. There may be times where one service is more popular than another, and that’s the sort of data that is worth knowing about. Then you can use the information to get the most out of the content that your putting out on online platforms. 

Find out your bounce rate to identify how to improve SEO 

Do you know what bounce rate is? There are so many different terms used in the digital world, but terms around SEO are extremely important when it comes to your marketing strategy.  Bounce rate basically means the percentage of your audience that comes onto your site and then leaves rather than clicking through to other pages. So, if you have a high bounce rate then it could mean that your content isn’t working well and that you need to be more engaging. This is a perfect example of why you need to look at bounce rate because you can see what content is going well and what needs to be changed. 

Pay attention to analytics to improve your marketing strategy!

A social media marketing strategy must include the metrics and analytics, because without them, you could be wasting your time. If your audience isn’t interested or engaging in the content that you’re putting out, then what is the point? You can make sure that you are the most efficient with your time and that you have the best strategy for your audience to stay engaged with your content and you can therefore improve your small business.

Here at Alcimi, we offer digital audits and social media marketing. Want us to look at what works best for you? Say hello and contact us!

small businesses should pay attention to analytics
Author: Amy Williams
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