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We are now a proud partner!

Organisation, scheduling and planning can sometimes be difficult with so many projects ongoing. Being a digital transformation agency, these things are imperative for us, and are always the forefront of our working day. To manage our projects, amongst a multitude of other features, we began using which then compelled us to become partners. 

Our exciting news for this partnership comes after a successful experience with Monday through our business, in both our Budapest and Warrington offices. With us having different locations for our teams, different office hours and such a wide variety of business needs, Monday created a flexible way of organising our work and schedules. The platform connects people, making our working ethic more efficient and intuitive.

There are many reasons that we are a proud Monday partner, and one of them is that we can use one platform to manage any project that we have. We pride ourselves by creating the best version of ideas, and working as a team to create digital transformation; with Monday, we get to do this hassle-free, and can see the status of projects completely transparently by keeping track of all moving parts. Seeing progress allows us to act efficiently, promptly, and therefore be completely systematic for improvement.

Alcimi is now a proud partner

Digital transformation as a partner

Pioneering digital transformation and taking pride in our strategies, here at Alcimi we are passionate about analysing progress to our advantage. Monday allows us to do this with ease and consequently makes it perfect to track momentum. We can do this by clearly seeing progress of our tasks and projects. In consequence, then makes it easier to succeed in results by being extremely analytical. 

Due to our Monday partnership, we can integrate existing tools so they are relevant to what we need them for. Thereby, having all business needs in one place. Once again, saving time and effort so that we can put it into our digital solutions and marketing. This results in being all-round more effective, and we can work while creating more projects. 

Our teams can collaborate effectively by using Monday which results in extensive easier working. Then, there’s no problem with distance, locations or timescales in different offices, as everything is in one place. This means exceptional organisational skills through the transparency in business. It’s a platform where we can stay informed and work as a team to perfect our projects. We can also do this by customising workflows when we need it. 

Now we are a partner, we are catapulted into endless more opportunities with Monday. We are looking forward to have so much more potential for our business. We get more features, more aptitude and consequently more freedom to organise our work. With an easier way to plan our projects, it’s more timely and effective when we’re executing them, and that’s why we are extremely excited for the future as proud Monday partners! 


Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire