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Alcimi’s Social Media Updates for Businesses

Everything in the digital sphere is changing rapidly, and social media always has new updates. Sometimes, it can be hard to keep up with the rapid rate of social media updates, so we’ve condensed them down so that small businesses can utilise the updates in their social media strategy and use them to their advantage. Are you wondering what might be new for Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, LinkedIn or Meta? Look no further, we’ve got your back. Grab a coffee and take a read to up your social media game. 

What’s new with Instagram? 

Let’s kick off with a good social media update: Instagram is going even further to limit posts of a bullying nature.  Yep, they will compare other captions that broke the rules and then use that to determine if something is hate speech or a negative comment. There’s no place for that kind of content on social media, so we hope this new update goes well and makes it a happier place.  

What about the TikTok updates?

I don’t think anyone will know how to feel about this one… but TikTok is working on a function to show who viewed your profile. Yeah, we know. But, for small businesses, it’s probably a good thing, right? You will be able to see your demographic and target audience much easier by seeing who exactly has viewed your content and then you can monitor if there are any trends with the people who see your videos. What’s your thoughts? We think yes for businesses, no for general TikTok posting…

Anything new with Twitter?

If you’ve listened to our podcast episode with our Creative Director, then you’ll know what Twitter Blue is. Well, Twitter has actually launched a new NFT profile image display option to Twitter Blue subscribers. There’s so much talk of NFTs at the moment, so if you’re not sure about them, take a read of our blog on NFTs for charities where more is explained. I swear you can’t be online for more than a minute without seeing something about NFTs?!

Does LinkedIn have any updates? 

LinkedIn has always been great for resources in the workplace, networking, and professionalism. Now, they’ve added courses which include building an organic presence, building a full-funnel content marketing strategy, and creative design. There are some great tools for marketing there! Which will you look for first?

How about Meta?

Here we go again… NFTs. Meta is planning to establish an NFT marketplace, and it seems like it’s going to be on a lot more than we think. And, also, they’re coming up with the computing power and systems to be able to cope with connecting all of the digital worlds within the metaverse. NFT and the metaverse seem to be coming up a lot…

The newest social media updates for businesses

So, there’s the newest social media updates that you can use for digital marketing advantages. You can really think about how your visual content can leverage the social media platforms and their updates for social media marketing. Small businesses, you can start creating content that gets you ahead of competitors… 

Here at Alcimi, we specialise in social media marketing and content creation. Say hi and contact us today to see what we can do for you!

Social Media Updates for Businesses
Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire