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FREE Digital Resources For The Charity Sector: Hardware

In the last blog of the series, we talked about software, and now it’s time to talk about its partner: hardware. You can’t have one without the other (well, you could, but it wouldn’t be very effective) so let’s delve into where you can get FREE and low-cost hardware as a resource for charities! Hardware is an integral part of digital work, and there’s a lot out there for you to look at if you need any help. So, what’s first? Let’s take a look at free hardware resources…


There’s quite a few different companies that offer IT services and equipment to charities for free or for a low cost. Below we’ve listed some companies that you can get in touch with to find out if they have any equipment and services that you need. A lot of them supply any old computers and refurbished computers. You can find any other IT equipment that could be of use to you. And also, any other IT services that you might be looking for. 

If you need to dispose of some IT equipment, then get in contact with Computer Disposals Ltd. They collect your equipment within five working days, and they will collect from anywhere in the UK too.  Cyber security is so important for charities, and ensuring that your hardware is destroyed fully is extremely important. That is why CCL may be of use to you if you are thinking about getting rid of your equipment. 

You can check out CCL North for IT recycling. They collect desktop computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, servers, printers and more. The IT recycling is all completely secure, and you just need to contact them to arrange free collection. They can offer entirely secure data destruction too. 


Any equipment that you’re missing? Take a look for places that are giving away computers for small or no cost. The process for this is really easy so that you can get your equipment together in an efficient way. There’s computers, screens, and even more than you can look for with ease. 

There’s a really simple way that you can get a computer or some IT equipment, and it’s by heading over to Donate APC. It really is as easy as scrolling down the list and selecting which piece of equipment you need. The site is for people who want to donate some of their old IT equipment that they don’t require anymore, so that anyone in the charity sector can have it free of charge. If you find something that you want, you will then speak directly to the donor to arrange how you can get it from them. The website, the process and the idea is so hassle free, and it can be so beneficial for you. It’s definitely worth a try if you’re in need of a new computer or digital equipment.  

Take a look at Computers for Charities to find any hardware that you need. Their website is simple, go onto the home page, and there is a list of everything available with the price. It really is as easy as that; the process is fast, cheap, and you can keep checking to see when they have the piece that you need so that you can order it online. 

Any non-profit organisation can contact ComputerAid to apply to receive affordable computers. They are all tested and are ensured to be of high quality. So, you have a guarantee that they will be of good standard when you get one. They’re not completely free, but their prices start at £55, so they are definitely worth a go if you want to invest in new equipment that you know will have been tested. 


If you need to have any e-learning, there is a company that will offer this to you in order to improve your opportunities. If there is a member of your team who may need to brush up on their IT knowledge, there are free services that can teach skills within IT to improve digital skills. Sounds great? Take a look at the people who are offering the service…

You can check out IT Schools Africa if you need some digital skills support; they will train people in IT communication skills to better their computer skills. They also have a lot of different projects ongoing. That means that you should be able to find many ways that they can support your needs. If you go on the website, you can read more about the kind of assistance that they can provide. 

Free hardware services for you

Hardware is an integral part of digital work, and there’s a lot out there for you to look at if you need any help. Having the right equipment in the digital world really can make a difference with your outreach. We can help you with your digital marketing strategy; get in touch with us for any more information. Keep an eye out for the rest of the series – we have a lot of free resources that we want to help you with! 

Here at Alcimi, we offer services to charities and advice on your digital transformation. Get in contact today to see how we can help you. 

Free hardware resources
Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire