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THIS is Why Your Website Needs to be Optimised

Did you know that up to 70% of web traffic comes through mobile? That’s why your website should be optimised for mobile. What are the factors for mobile optimisation? Have you taken mobile optimisation into account before when designing your website? There are a few different points that you need to think about with your website and both UI and EX design in regards to this. And, not to mention the fact that we reckon you don’t even know three people who don’t own a mobile phone. So, let’s have a look at why your website needs to be optimised…

Think about your website loading speed.. It’s key in 2022

You want your loading speed on a mobile to be fast, because that’s better user experience and then that will reduce your bounce rate. In our blog about digital trends of 2022, we talked about how website loading speed is going to be one to watch this year. So, whilst loading speed has always been important, it’s extra important for digital success in 2022.

User experience is very important 

The better the user experience on your site, the better CTR you will get and therefore more custom. If you’re a business that doesn’t have a good CTR, then you need to think about why. It could be that it’s not mobile optimised and then that’s why people aren’t staying on your site; make sure that the accessibility is a priority when looking at mobile optimisation, too. 

Check your bounce rate 

You can tell how user friendly your website is through looking at your bounce rate. Your bounce rate on your site will show you how users are finding your website as they go on to it. If you have a high bounce rate, then you should review your site and how user friendly it is. It will probably be the case that your website isn’t user friendly enough to result in your customers staying on your website. That includes on mobile as well. 

THIS is why your website should be optimised

If your website is optimised for mobile, then you’ll have a bigger chance of having happy customers, and customers who stay on your site. That’s going to lead to more engagement and better metrics. Isn’t that what everyone strives for? You want more happy customers than your competitors, remember… 

Concluding why your website needs to be optimised

The more traffic that you get through to your site, the more customers you will have. So, that alone should demonstrate the importance of mobile optimisation. There’s no point in having a sales strategy if you don’t have it streamlined with your digital platforms, because that will lose its effectiveness. Where are users getting to on your site? Are they stopping at a certain page? If you keep track of the similarities on each page, then you can measure the user journey and be able to be agile in your approach. So, after talking about the importance of mobile optimisation, do you need a website update?

Here at Alcimi, we offer website design and development, keeping usability, accessibility and SEO as key elements. Want to know more about what we can do for you? Say hi and contact us today!

why your website needs to be optimised
Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire