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FREE Digital Resources For The Charity Sector: Training

Do you need some resources for training and learning? We’ve got you covered. With more and more technology emerging for business development, the digital world is the future. But, where do we start? There’s so much to learn with how fast-paced and fast-moving the tech world is and how much strategies change. This is where resources come in for training and learning, and better yet, we’ve found you courses that are free. Yes, we have FREE resources so that you can learn all of the newest processes and systems so that you can be the most effective in your work. Let’s take a look…

The first FREE training resource: Online Marketing, Sales & Digital 

Imagine if you could get unlimited access to all of the training that you need. Well, you can! Go on to the Hub Spot Academy website to sign up and find unlimited free courses to suit you. That’s a lot of knowledge you can get for the digital world. 

There are hundreds of different tools on Hub Spot Academy, so there’s something for everything that you might be looking into. As a charity, it’s not so much sales focused, but you want to grow as a charity to get more fundraising and donations. With this being the primary target, you might benefit from some of the sales courses that are on the website. For example, there is a course on inbound sales; take a look and have a read of the contents of the course to see if this is worthy for you or your team. 

From a marketing point of view, there are a lot of courses that can assist you in your strategies. Hub Sport Academy has courses in digital advertising which would benefit you in your marketing approach, and provide you with the best tips around advertising in the digital world. SEO is something that you should look into for more website traffic and therefore a bigger reach. Do you know how to optimize your website? It may be worth looking into SEO as well and taking a course on it to further your skills. 

And, to pick out a couple more that are offered, there are Youtube Marketing and Email Marketing courses. These are a little less obvious but they are still relevant. Video is prolific at the moment, so you could take a look at how Youtube could take a part in your marketing strategy. Email marketing is a good way for charities to keep people involved with the charity up to date with recent events or achievements. Both are suggestions, but alongside these, there are a lot more courses that you can consider. Happy learning!

Data, Tech & Digital Marketing

And, if that’s not enough for you, have a look at some other resources where you can learn even more! Another good free training resource is Digital Garage;  Google’s online learning which includes learning tools for data, tech, and digital marketing. On this website, you can find different modules and courses that will suit your needs. There’s everything on there, from connecting your customers to promoting your business with advertising, and they can highly influence your digital strategy.

You can even choose the course length to make sure that the course is in line with your schedule. Some are under 2 hours, and others can be over 20 hours. It’s excellent for managing your time because you can select how much time that you can commit to the training. 

Not only that, but it’s super easy to find the course that is right for you. You can filter the categories, and even filter the difficulty, so each member of the team can find the right training for improvement on their level of expertise. It’s great for someone who wants to learn from the bottom as a beginner and also someone who wants to develop their skills. If this sounds useful to you, then check out Digital Garage for more about what the courses entail!

Online Digital Skills 

There’s a lot of skills to learn for digital platforms, but that doesn’t mean that it needs to be hard. Take a look at Accenture to learn all different levels of online digital skills. Whatever you and the team need, from basic to advanced levels, is what you can find with Accenture. 

Don’t know where to start? Why don’t you begin and learn the basics of digital. Once you have the foundations in place, you can build your digital strategy through other courses. Let’s have a look at what else they offer…

From there, Accenture provides courses where you can learn more about digital applications so that you can find out exactly what different terms mean and how they change our working strategies.

If you already have some knowledge, then you can learn about advanced digital concepts in other courses offered. This could be things like user experience or analytics, which will be a bit harder than beginner level but will help you become more familiar with newer digital processes. 

Once you have that knowledge, you can learn how to apply the right digital skills for the charity. You can start looking into things like artificial intelligence, and take courses in digital marketing, or social media, and user experience. Once you have a variety of knowledge in the digital world, you can work out what is the best for your ways of working and your business needs. 

Accenture is flexible so that you can work when you want, and it’s social so you can speak to others on the course too. And, additionally, you get the chance to meet experts in the field. If this sounds perfect for you, then go on the website and sign up to find out more!

Free Training Resources for you 

As we’ve said, the digital world is a great place to be, but there are always new things arising. That’s why it’s important to keep up to date with training and learning to make sure that you get the most out of it. We hope that these free digital resources help you in the charity sector and that they help you grow your digital knowledge. 

Did you know that we have already found you FREE software, hardware, and support resources? Take a look at our previous blogs and check them out here: 

Click here for FREE software resources.

Tap here for FREE hardware resources.

Click here for FREE support resources.

Did you know we are also providing FREE digital audits for charities? Click here to find out more. 

We help charities with digital transformation and digital strategy. Get in contact today to see how we can help you.

Free training resources.
Author: Amy Williams
Rocket Fire