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Website Development

We create websites that look good, feel good and perform

Professionally developed websites that are responsive, accessible and secure.

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First impressions DO matter

It only takes SEVEN seconds


In just seven seconds your website needs to make an impression. As human beings we form impressions and opinions quickly. And, in a world of fast moving digital media, you need to pay attention to what your customers see on your website and what message it conveys.

Our web developers know how to test and evaluate your website’s functionality to know if a visitor understands exactly what you are about in seven seconds. This means engaging content, attracting graphics and super-quick loading speeds.

First impressions count, while social media and apps are important, it is your website that carries the serious face of your business. Does your website leave an impression?

Web Development Done Right

Converting visitors into customers

There is an art and a science to creating a website that has the looks to attract customers and the content to keep them there. Our digital experts have been experimenting, analysing and perfecting this artistic for mula for years. And, in collaboration with the likes of Google and Microsoft, we understand what works and what doesn’t in every sector – from SMEs to multinational organisations.

Fonts, colour schemes, layouts, buttons, user experience – we know what works. Our web developers have been developing business websites that succeed in drawing people in and converting visitors into customers.

Responsive website development and design service

Maximising your visitor experience


Have you ever thought about how many different screen sizes there are and whether your website will not just fit, but look good on each one? No, you haven’t. Because that’s our job. We ensure that your website is easy to use, performs on every platform and looks good on stadium-sized screens all the way down to tablets and smartphones.

Responsive web design is a framework for your website that either hides, shrinks, moves or adjusts the content and layout of the website depending on the size and shape of the screen the user is viewing it on. A responsive design ensures your website looks good everywhere while maximising the visitor’s user experience.

Alcimi doesn’t see responsive web design or mobile-friendly websites as a design element to overcome, they are an opportunity to include elements that can drive traffic in new ways.

Search Engine Optimisation

Ensuring customers can find you

When we develop websites, we look at how they will perform in the search engines. That’s because the likes of Yahoo, Bing and especially Google, are pretty demanding SEO dictators. If you want your website to be reaching the top of the searches, it means adopting a well-rounded approach to your content. But, also, your website design and structure.

We handle all the technical SEO stuff so your site gets more visibility. And not only that, so you get more traffic through structured content and thorough SEO and keyword research for web development.

Accessible Website Development

The world wide web was built for everyone


Website accessibility is about making sure that everyone can use and enjoy your site, regardless of their abilities or limitations. When it comes to accessible website design, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that your site can be used by people with disabilities. This means ensuring that it can be navigated using assistive technologies like screen readers and providing alternative versions of content for visitors who may have difficulty processing visual information.

Additionally, you need to consider the needs of mobile users and those with slow internet connections. This means designing your site so that it can be loaded quickly and easily on all devices, and making sure that important content is accessible even if some elements take longer to load. 

We make accessible website design and development a priority ensuring we can create a more inclusive online community for everyone.

Cyber-secure website development

We integrate security into every website we build

Did you know that over 80% of all data and security breaches were due to unprotected software? We don’t just build your website and leave the rest to you. We have you covered, and most importantly, we have you protected from cyber threats. At Alcimi, cyber security is an important service that we always ensure that we involve. It’s integral to the safety of your business, and your business is safe in our hands.

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