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Modern Slavery Statement

Commited to maintaining high ethical standards and protecting human rights

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Alcimi Limited (“Alcimi”) is a leading digital marketing and media agency. We deliver design, development, digital marketing, digital advertising and strategy services to business clients worldwide.

We are serious about our brand because it’s part of our identity and so is our commitment to corporate social responsibility. We believe transparency is the best way we can assure our clients and the public that we are doing our best as an ethical corporate citizen. In that spirit, we have published our slavery and human trafficking statement in line with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, in which we explain how slavery and human trafficking can affect our business and the steps we are taking in the fight against it. Our staff are expected to highlight concerns that they may have, using the appropriate reporting channels, and management are expected to act accordingly.

This statement is intended to fulfil the legal requirement for a slavery and human trafficking statement. Our efforts against slavery and human trafficking complement our broader CSR Policy.

Alcimi’s turnover is less than £5 million. Alcimi employs not more than 25 full time employees.

Our supply chain and risk

We estimate our supply chain to number not more than 50 workers at any one time. Impression’s suppliers are located in the UK, Hungary and Australia. Hungary and Australia represent low risks to modern slavery as a consequence of Impression’s business due to the skill of software development being a high skill career for these workers. These have been identified through the use of The Global Slavery Index.

Our supply chain due diligence processes

As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk, we have reinforced the systems in place to:

  • Identify and monitor risk areas in our supply chain
  • Protect whistleblowers

These systems have been strengthened by:

  • Remote audits being carried out on key suppliers

Our People

Alcimi’s HR function is provided by the directors and external HR consultant(s). All workers are subject to pre-employment checks including the right to work in the UK. Impression also complies with the National Living Wage which became law on 1 April 2016.

Staff awareness of modern slavery is promoted periodically internally. Impression’s Directors and/or its HR advisors will protect whistleblowers.

This policy statement concerning slavery and human trafficking is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and was approved by the board of directors.

14th April 2022

Ben Sefton, Managing Director

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