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What are the Social Media Updates This Week?

What are the Social Media Updates This Week?

The digital sphere is notorious for its fast paced movements when it comes to updates and changes to platforms. Well, what are the social media updates this week? There’s quite a few and some juicy updates from platforms that we think you’ll really want to know about....
5 E-Commerce Copywriting Tips

5 E-Commerce Copywriting Tips

When was the last time you thought about the language that you have been using over platforms? The power of words really is a great thing, and especially when it comes to e-commerce. The persuasion and engagement of your target audience can come predominantly from...
Has Anything Changed for SEO in 2022?

Has Anything Changed for SEO in 2022?

We always talk about SEO and that’s because it should be a strong part of your digital marketing strategy. In the digital world, things are always so fast paced, and always changing. That means trends, algorithms, and platforms, which means you always have to keep...
The Perfect Christmas Cocktail: SEO Tips

The Perfect Christmas Cocktail: SEO Tips

It’s a week before Christmas eve! Is your tree up, your tinsel hanging and your Christmas lights above the fire?! The festive period is always so exciting in the lead up to Christmas so we thought why not sit back with a Christmas cocktail and read about a perfect SEO...
Rocket Fire