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Video Production

Captivating, Meaningful & Fun

Whatever your goal—to grow the company, increase conversions or tell a new story about who you are — we can help. We specialise in visually captivating storytelling videos that connect with audiences on an emotional level and deliver clarity for any message.
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Animated Video Production

Visual speaks louder than words.

When you use an animated video, your audience absorbs much more information than simply by reading text. When you are busy running your business, let us do what we do best: create animated videos that increase brand awareness, engage your audience and fuel sales.

Alcimi is a video production company that makes beautiful animations and creates explainer videos that communicate seamlessly to bring your brand, product and service to life. With an explainer video you can use a short animation to quickly inform about a brand’s story in an engaging and memorable way.

Marketing videos for business

Getting noticed is getting increasingly more difficult. It doesn’t have to be that way.

At Alcimi, as a video production company, we use the latest technologies to make video production easy and affordable. We’ll work with you to understand your goals, then build a campaign that will get results.

We work with you to create short films that make an impact. We introduce you and your business in a straightforward, informative and entertaining way. We combine our expertise and experience from working with international businesses to produce films that engage viewers and increase the effectiveness of your company’s marketing and communications efforts.

Corporate video production

Do you have a big idea, but no idea how to turn it into an actionable corporate video?

We are here when you need high-impact video production for business and social media that convinces your customers you are the real-deal and convinces them to take action.

As a video production company, we provide you with a whole host of creative ideas tailored to what will work best for your audience. We then refine those ideas until we have something that we think is worth investing in. Then it’s time to shoot! We’ll get a camera on it and record the memorable content you require.

Would you like to see more?

Checkout our Vimeo channel!

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